Feedback and Reviews

solar finish “The quilt arrived today and I am really blown away.  I will admit, I wasn’t sure a quilt with engineering/solar car images from T-shirts was going to be awesome.  Don’t get me wrong, I never doubted for a moment that your work would be wonderful.  But the material you had to work with — well I just wasn’t so sure.  And then I opened it up and it is super neat!  I love the way you quilted the different squares.  Some with a line of stitches diagonally, some where you have outlined part of the design on the shirt.  I particularly love the undulating line on the Hans Go shirt, following the southern coast of Australia.” Marilee McKelveytreeskirt in use

“I agree, it’s so important to value art, and that really is what this tree skirt is – a work of art. … The world needs the combination of fresh creativity and top quality craftsmanship that you bring to each of your quilts, Megan! It inspires us all to bring those qualities to our work and art. You’re an inspiration!” Laurie Scott


“Megamuff! We got the quilt!!! Oh my gosh, it’s so beautiful and amazing in every way. not only is it so cool to look at, but it’s my new couch snuggle-blanket. so comfy! We are both blown away, thank you so much. I can’t believe you did that, it must have taken so long. You are the sweetest.” Jasmine Holzworth

Jas and Tim's Signature Quilt

“My friend, Megan Shaughnessy Null, makes the most fantastic art quilts! The holidays are coming and these would make an outstanding gift for a new mom or a grandmother or anyone who loves someone else give someone a handmade gift of someone they love.” Kimberly Brandon Rolzhausen

“Are you looking for a special gift or remembrance? Check out my friend Megan’s custom quilts based on your photo. Contact her through her Etsy shop to start a once-in-a-lifetime project!” Trisha Priewe Frankland

“Beautiful!! WoW you’re majorly talented!!!” Deborah Gipe

” Megan-I have always loved your work- this one is over the top!!” Kathy Pennis

“Is that a Xan quilt?! Wow! You are a quilting genius, Megan!! Absolutely amazing!” Voldi Way


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