It’s a Good Day to Meet Baby Mary

My emotions are still swirling all around inside me, so I’m sure I’ll be blogging more about this  event in upcoming posts… but it’s time to announce that my sister gave birth to a healthy baby girl yesterday, April 2nd. Welcome, little Mary.


It wasn’t a long waiting game. Dad called me around 4am to say that he’s in the airport on the way to the birth. (He snagged a plane in St. Louis in time to get to Boston for all the action.)  Even so, I jumped every time the phone rang, all day long, hoping for another update. So I spent the day calming myself with some handwork. It’s not a great photograph but here’s what I’ve been working on.


This piece is called, “On a Good Day”. And today was a good day.

1 thought on “It’s a Good Day to Meet Baby Mary

  1. Pingback: Lovey Beanbags for Mary’s First Birthday | QUILTArtbymegan

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