Not Goodbye, See You Later Tama.

Cancer won over my friend Tama a few days ago. She was sick for a while before the doctors discovered it was stage four cancer… and then was gone so very quickly. She was a quilter, an artist, a writer and someone I never got to meet in person but knew through Facebook. It’s hard to say goodbye. But it’s not goodbye. See you later Tama.

I’m also saying, “See You Later,” to hosting a link-up party. I’ve discovered that I’m not quite ready to host one yet. I have more to learn first. So I’ll be participating in others’ parties for now and retiring Favorites Fridays.
no fav fridaysHere’s my completed table runner for the Project Quilting trees challenge. This piece started out happy and fun: Easter, Springtime, new growth. It still is those things but with another layer. It’s also something I worked on while thinking of Tama. I believe life doesn’t end here. I don’t what that might look like but it gives me some peace. Maybe Tama’s in the springtime of her life somewhere else. Maybe she’s a sprout growing and learning with many years ahead of her to continue her journey. green runner finishedMaybe she’ll have some things to show me when I get there. trees runner close

I’m linking this post up to Show and Tell Tuesday and Scraptastic Tuesday and Needle and Thread.

5 thoughts on “Not Goodbye, See You Later Tama.

  1. Terry Johnson

    I am sorry for your loss, Megan. Our blogging friends become part of our world wide family. Quilting is great therapy for grief.
    I am curious about what are the ups and downs of hosting a linky party. Could you email me at I was thinking about starting one, but would appreciate your insights.
    Thanks, Terry

  2. Nicky

    So hard to lose a friend but I think she would appreciate that you think about her while stitching! A great way to remember her. So many emotions we can express in our stitching …

  3. magistra13

    I am also sorry that you have lost your friend, Tama. I hope that working with the beautiful colors and fabrics we all love will help ease your heart.


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